Major Health Benefits of Breastfeeding

Major Health Benefits of Breastfeeding

Literary speaking, breastfeeding matures and strengthens up the bond of love and friendship. Kids need parental love and caring.  Mother’s breast milk provides lots of vitamins, and nutrients to children.  After delivering babies, the mother needs to breast feed her newly born baby. Doctors advise mothers to perform their duties by breastfeeding their babies. There are many health benefits of breast feeding.

Why Is Breast Feeding Important to Mother and Baby?

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Breast milk is nutritious and cool.  It is organic milk, which is enriched with vitamins, proteins and essential nutrients to enhance the development of bodies of children.  Benefits of breast feeding include proper body building, good nourishment and restoration of stamina to combat unwanted foreign elements. Babies get extra strength to fight with numerous diseases like meningitis.  Besides, for muscle reconstruction and bone development of little kids, you need to breast feed your neonates.   Babies like to play with soft boobs of their moms. They feel good when mothers offer their milk loaded boobs to them to suck.   It is an enjoyable experience for them. Both mother and children are benefited through the boobs feeding.  Even in western countries, breast milk is recommended by doctors. There is no alternative baby milk to enhance the proper growth of babies.  Natural breast milk doesn’t provide any side effect.  It is a health drink for kids who have low food digesting capability. They are not able to eat hard food. They are not efficient to consume supplements and do exercises to rebuild their muscles.  So they need   mothers’ milk to collect same nutrients and energy to restructure their bodies.

Advantages of Breastfeeding

  • Natural breast milk is highly nutritious
  • Lactation manages postpartum stress
  • No preservative is available in  breast milk
  • No toxin, colorant and synthetic component is found in breast milk
  • Breast milk is digestible.
  • Easy to produce breast milk
  • One of benefits of breastfeeding includes the health improvement of mother and baby
  • Breast milk is also a stress resistant agent
  • Breast milk is also a booster to energize babies
  • Breast milk restores health of babies
  • Breast milk revives love and affection to strengthen up relationship
  • Lactation reduces risks of viral infections and inflammation
  • Lactation protects children from diabetes, high cholesterol and cancer

Breast Feeding Prevents Many Diseases

Though many processed health drinks for children have been introduced to the market, the importance of breastfeeding is not denied.  An extensive research done by scientists of National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences has unearthed few important facts to second the usefulness of breast milk to nourish kids at their tender ages. Scientists have confirmed that regular intake of breast milk prevents some dangerous disease and infections. Apart from this, children gain much strength to stay fit. The average life expectancy of children increases in case they are breastfed by mothers.  Bones of newborn babies are well nourished and they become healthy, resolute and strong physically.

health impact of breastfeedingResearchers have found that in colostrum, sufficient amount of IgA is available.  This component in natural breast milk reinforces the immune system of a baby.  This component resists the attacks of germs and viral infection.  Even breast milk helps babies to avoid incurable cancer during childhood days. Babies who are given breast milk have low risks of suffering from high blood pressure, diabetes (both 1 and 2 types) and high cholesterol. With the development of their bodies, their body resistance power accelerates to reduce health hazards. IgA is only found in natural breast milk of mother. It minimizes the allergic reaction and boosts up babies to overtake cluster of diseases boldly. In case the intestinal wall is not properly safeguarded, undigested protein build-up speed up the growth of allergies to affect babies.  IgA insulates intestinal walls to check the inflammation and allergies to a great extent.

Benefits of Lactation

To be frank, not only babies get benefits by sucking breast milk but also mother becomes healthy and fit by breastfeeding her babies with her nutritious breast milk.  In this connection, the National Institutes of Health conducted clinical surveys. Their reviews and observation have shown that women who are interested to breast feed their babies have low side effect of stress comparing to those who are unwilling to maintain regularity in offering breast milk to their babies. Mother feels relaxed when babies suck their boobs.  They tackle postpartum depression by releasing breast milk to help their little babies to collect nutrients for nourishment.

The oxytocin in breast milk enhances the physical relaxation and body wellness. The health condition of women improves. Therefore, women who have delivered babies must not deprive their kids of breast milk.  However, misconceptions and unscientific myths often discourage women to show reluctance when they are advised to breastfeed their babies.   For instance, women who are young and fashionable don’t want to disfigure their boobs by giving breast milk to their babies.  They think that their cute and soft boobs will be unshaped and distorted.   Breasts will lose elegance and softness.  It is just a myth. They need to learn about various benefits of breast feeding.  Breasts are not damaged due to milk sucking.  Milk which is stored inside breasts must be offered to babies for their normal growth. It is a food for babies to have nutrients and minerals. Regular lactation helps women steering clear of ovarian cancer.

More Innovative Facts about Lactation

health impact of breastfeedingDifferent researched based studies done by scientists have brought some more innovative facts to healthcare consultants to make right conclusion regarding the advantages of lactation after child birth.   Year long studies have surfaced that lactation is a must as it builds up the body of a baby.  A kid needs something nutritious to have energy and stamina. Mother’s breast milk has no alternative or substitute. Formula based processes baby milk doesn’t contain any valuable nutrients components like IgA.  Besides, breast milk is easy to digest. It doesn’t cause flatulence, and other health related problems.  Children who take breast milk to grow have better physical  fitness than  other   kids without being breast fed. In adolescent stage, children will have a ring of good safeguards from some diseases like multiple sclerosis, diabetes and cardiac disorder. In this regard, women will get more information about the benefits of lactation by talking to their physicians.

Must Read:

Common Breastfeeding Problems that Woman’s face (Solutions included)
Breastfeeding and Alcohol- How it Impacts? Learn completely

Breast milk is a cost effective food for children.  Parents don’t have to buy this natural milk. Mother produces breast milk biologically. Therefore, it is a good chance for money saving. Every woman who gives birth to kids has the inborn ability to produce breast milk if there is no prominent hormonal disorder or genetic disease.   Lactation is helpful for both mother and her babies. Baby food processing formulae are complicated.   It contains some synthetic preservatives and components which work same way as breast milk. Still, there is a deficiency in infant formula.   In some cases it is seen that babies are not eager to drink such a processed baby food which is packed with various flavorful components.

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